Autographs, Documents, Letters, Manuscripts, & Ephemeral Paper

Showing 1–30 of 111 results

  • Abraham Lincoln, Autograph Note, Signed, Monitor Visit

  • Alexander Hamilton, Autograph Letter, Signed

  • George Washington, Autograph Letter, Signed

  • Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Herndon Law Firm Advertisment

  • Abraham Lincoln, Clipped Signature with Closing

  • John Nicolay, Original Manuscript Galley for Lincoln’s Literary Experiments, Signed

  • William N. Meserve, The War Record of Major William N. Meserve, 1862-1865, Written by Himself, Autograph Manuscript Signed

  • John L. Clem, Muster Roll Document, Signed 46 Times

  • Broadside Detailing the Account of Confederate Surrender

  • Evening Journal Register Chicago Fire First Report

  • Abraham Lincoln, Wax Impression of Presidential Seal on Card

  • Soldiers’ Electoral Ticket, 1864 Election

  • Stefan Lorant, Autograph Manuscript, Mary Lincoln Book

  • Edward Paul Doherty (leader of the Booth capture), Partly-Printed Document, Signed

  • Thomas Jefferson, Autograph Cover with Free Frank, Signed as President

  • Robert Rodes, Partly Printed Document, Signed

  • James Madison, Partly-Printed Document, Signed

  • Ulysses S. Grant, Engraved Portrait, Signed

  • Salmon P. Chase, Autograph Letter, Signed

  • Abraham Lincoln, Two Telegram Related to Lincoln’s Visit to City Point

  • Humbug Pamphlet

  • Abraham Lincoln, Two Telegrams Related to Lincoln’s Visit to City Point

  • Abraham Lincoln, One Telegram Related to Lincoln’s Visit to City Point

  • Sam Houston, Autograph Signature

  • George Gershwin, Autograph Note, Signed

  • Robert Anderson, Autograph Letter, Signed

  • Ulysses S. Grant, Printed Document, Signed, Soldier’s Monument Association

  • George Henry Preble, Pamphlet Signed

  • Frederick Douglass, Endorsement, Signed as Recorder of Deeds

  • Alexander Hamilton, Signature with Engraving
