Douglas Southall Freeman, Lee’s Lieutenants, Signed


How Lee Navigated the Talents and Egos of His Command

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We’ll let the reviews of Douglas Southall Freeman’s Lee’s Lieutenants: A Study in Command write this description…

“Stands on its own right as one of the great works of military history”
-In Tall Cotton, 61. “

Is “the ablest descriptive and evaluative study of the leading generals (and their campaigns) in Lee’s army; massively documented, movingly written, highly authoritative, and fairly smug”
-Nevins I, p.30.  

The subtitle of this classic Civil War trilogy is borne out in the telling of how R.E. Lee dealt with the varied talents and egos of his subordinate officers.

Very good, tight and clean; vols 1 and 3 are first editions; vol 2 is later but corresponds to the other two on the shelf. 

FREEMAN, Douglas Southall. Lee’s Lieutenants: A Study in Command. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1942-1944. Signed “Douglas Southall Freeman” in first volume. 3 Vols. lvi,773; xlv,760; xlvi,862pp.  Portraits, maps, folding map; orig. cloth.  (HOWES F- 349. Wright F-519).