Andrew Boyd, Memorial Lincoln Bibliography: Being an Account of Books, Eulogies,…With 3
The Rare First Comprehensive Bibliography
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Boyd’s Memorial Lincoln Bibliography… is the very first attempt at a comprehensive bibliogrpahy of the printed material related to Abraham Lincoln . This one includes three additional photographic plates, not included with the published edition.
Besides its scarcity, this particular volume contains three photographic plates not found in all copies. An historical Lincoln reference, and a basis for all succeeding efforts.
“Being a Collection in the possession of the compiler” the pages are uncut and untrimmed. It is rare to find it in the in original printed wrappers.
Excellent and clean; title page soiled with a small amount of tape fixing small tears.
Andrew Boyd, Memorial Lincoln Bibliography: Being an Account of Books, Eulogies, Sermons, Portraits, Engravings, Medals, Etc. Published Upon Abraham Lincoln. Albany, NY, Andrew Boyd, Directory Publishers; 1870. Original Wrappers bound in handsome cloth 7 1/2″ x 11″. frontis., illus., plates. [Monaghan 916]