Harriet Beecher Stowe recorded her thoughts about the great characters of the Civil War in Men of Our Times.
Stowe presents short biographies of many who she defines “as a specimen of the graduates from the American school of Christian Democracy.” Including chapters on Abraham Lincoln, U. S. Grant, William Lloyd Garrison, Charles Sumner, Salmon P. Chase, Horace Greeley, Frederick Douglass, William T. Sherman, Oliver Otis Howard, and Henry Ward Beecher.
Stowe saw the Civil War as a class struggle, noting “For us and our cause, all the common working classes of Europe – all that toil and sweat, and are oppressed. Against us, all privileged classes, nobles, princes, bankers and great manufacturers, all who live at ease.”
Light wear of extremities; bumps; scuffed spine; else very good.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Men of our Times; or Leading Patriots of the Day… Hartford: Hartford Publishing, 1868. 575(3)p., frontispiece, portraits, leather.
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