Franklin Roosevelt, Typed Letter, Signed, White House Stationery


Franklin Roosevelt Sends A Thank You Note

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Franklin Roosevelt writes the Mrs. W. Gordon Crawford thanking her for sending a postcard and a letter from “Mama.”

In Full:

Dear Mrs. Crawford:
Thanks ever so much for sending me the enclosed postcard and letter from Mama. Johnny and Henry Hooker both wrote that the voyage had done her much good and that she was very cheerful and greatly interested in everything.

I am glad she is missing this heat and I rather hope she will not come back much before the end of September. 

My best to you and Gordon. 

Always sincerely, 

Franklin Roosevelt

Mrs. Kathleen (W. Gordon) Crawford and Sara Roosevelt’s friendship dated to before Sara’s marriage to James Roosevelt. Franklin was the only child of the marriage between James Roosevelt and Sara. A devoted mother, she had a complex relationship with Eleanor Roosevelt.


Roosevelt, Franklin. Typed Letter, signed. The White House/Washington, 19 July 1937; 7″ x 8 3/4″, framed to 10 1/2″ x 12 1/2″.

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